Thursday, April 15, 2010

April 15th - Oceanside Tea Party

Today's Tea Party in Oceanside was another success. Police estimate between 4,000-5,000 people showed up. The nationwide estimate of attendees is around a quarter of a million. Each day we get closer to the November, the more faith I have that people are getting sick of what is going on in this state and this nation and are getting off the couch to do something about it! Thank God!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A personal relationship with Jesus

Pastor Larry gave a great message today. He talked about having a ‘personal relationship with Jesus’ and what the phrase really means to a Christian. So often we take these phrases that roll around the church and say them, without really knowing what they mean…especially what they mean to us personally. This phrase means different things to different Christians, and I thought Pastor Larry did a great job of reminding us that “although the ‘house rules’ (the commands in the Bible) remain the same for all of us, our personal relationship with God is as different as we are."

I liked that thought. I also thought to myself, ‘I wonder why I’ve never heard this before?’ I am about to celebrate my fifth birthday in Christ and I’ve never heard that. I’ve always felt I had to conform to someone else’s rules (or tools). And I loved the way Larry said, those “TOOLS” might be great for you but don’t try to force them on someone else.

My first mentor, an amazing Christian woman, did have the ‘rule’ you should spend XYZ…amount of time with God each morning, first thing. It’s a guilt thing, that eventually, if that doesn’t work for you, you not only end up dreading…you end up feeling very guilty and inadequate over.

So thank you Larry, for giving us more Godly advice and helping us to focus on our walk with Jesus.